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To see the parameters of a command, simply run dimescheduler task --help command and you'll get all the information you need.


A task is a loose term to describe work that needs to be scheduled and executed. In Dime.Scheduler nomenclature, there are two types of tasks: open tasks and planned tasks.

Every task that you create through this endpoint is by default an open task, or a task that is yet to be planned. A planned task is nothing more than an open task that has been assigned a date and a resource. A planned task is also known as an appointment.

Open tasks appear in the open tasks lists while planned tasks are available in the planning board and the planned tasks list.

A task needs a link to a job. A job is the containing entity that holds the link to the back-office systems and are therefore essential. Jobs have information about high-level topics such as customers, while tasks hold the information about the work itself. Because of this data model, tasks can be very low-level and there can be many tasks for a given job.

dimescheduler task {action} -k "MYAPIKEY" 

Parameters in [square brackets] represent optional parameters. Parameters in {curly brackets} are mandatory. For a complete overview, check out the API reference docs.



dimescheduler taskcontainer {action} -k "MYAPIKEY"

Filter value

dimescheduler taskfiltervalue {action} -k "MYAPIKEY"


dimescheduler tasklocked {action} -k "MYAPIKEY"


dimescheduler taskuri {action} -k "MYAPIKEY"