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To see the parameters of a command, simply run dimescheduler appointment --help command and you'll get all the information you need.


dimescheduler appointment {action} -k "MYAPIKEY"

Parameters in [square brackets] represent optional parameters. Parameters in {curly brackets} are mandatory. For a complete overview, check out the API reference docs.



dimescheduler appointmentcategory {action} -k "MYAPIKEY" 

Parameters in [square brackets] represent optional parameters. Parameters in {curly brackets} are mandatory. For a complete overview, check out the API reference docs.

Time marker

dimescheduler appointmenttimemarker {action} -k "MYAPIKEY" 

Parameters in [square brackets] represent optional parameters. Parameters in {curly brackets} are mandatory. For a complete overview, check out the API reference docs.


dimescheduler appointmentcontent {action} -k "MYAPIKEY" 

Parameters in [square brackets] represent optional parameters. Parameters in {curly brackets} are mandatory. For a complete overview, check out the API reference docs.


dimescheduler appointmentimportance {action} -k "MYAPIKEY" 

Parameters in [square brackets] represent optional parameters. Parameters in {curly brackets} are mandatory. For a complete overview, check out the API reference docs.


dimescheduler appointmentlocked {action} -k "MYAPIKEY" 

Parameters in [square brackets] represent optional parameters. Parameters in {curly brackets} are mandatory. For a complete overview, check out the API reference docs.

Planning quantity

dimescheduler appointmentplanningquantity {action} -k "MYAPIKEY" 

Parameters in [square brackets] represent optional parameters. Parameters in {curly brackets} are mandatory. For a complete overview, check out the API reference docs.


dimescheduler appointmenturi {action} -k "MYAPIKEY" {--appointmentno} 

Parameters in [square brackets] represent optional parameters. Parameters in {curly brackets} are mandatory. For a complete overview, check out the API reference docs.