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To see the parameters of a command, simply run dimescheduler + model + --help command and you'll get all the information you need.

Filter Groups

Filter groups are categories of filter values. A filter group holds a set of related values that make sense to an organization. Typical filter groups would be skills and regions, but there is no limit to what it means.

dimescheduler filtergroup {action} -k "MYAPIKEY" {--name}

Parameters in [square brackets] represent optional parameters. Parameters in {curly brackets} are mandatory. For a complete overview, check out the API reference docs.

Filter Values

A filter value is simply an entry in the filter group. To add a filter value, simply specify the group and the value and it will be made available in the system. For example, you might add a skill Dime.Scheduler to the Software group, if that would make any sense.

Note that the resource and task filter system does not work automatically. Using the master data that you've specified here, you need to assign these values to the resources and tasks. Only then will the resource filters component be able to do its matching.

dimescheduler filtervalue {action} -k "MYAPIKEY" {--group} {--value}

Parameters in [square brackets] represent optional parameters. Parameters in {curly brackets} are mandatory. For a complete overview, check out the API reference docs.