To see the parameters of a command, simply run dimescheduler
+ model
+ --help
command and you'll get all the information you need.
dimescheduler transientMessage -k "MYAPIKEY" {--message} [--severity] [--user]
Name | Description | Short option | Long option |
Key | The API key | -k | --key |
Text | The name of the pin | -m | --message |
Severity | The severity of the message. | -s | --severity |
User | The user to publish the message to | -a | --to |
The severity value corresponds to an enum that accepts either value:
- Verbose, or 0
- Debug, or 1
- Info, or 2
- Warning, or 3
- Error, or 4
- Fatal, or 5
Parameters in [square brackets] represent optional parameters. Parameters in {curly brackets} are mandatory.