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Establishing a connection with Dime.Scheduler

The FastTrack wizard guides you through each of the supported modules. You can enable each solution separately and select the appropriate settings for each. In this article, we focus on the first step of the process: establishing a connection with Dime.Scheduler.


You can find the wizard by looking for Dime.Scheduler FastTrack Wizard in the search bar.

Let's go over the fields one by one.

Source application

The source application code identifies the data sent from a BC company to Dime.Scheduler, allowing the latter to send planning data back to the right company. By default, the FastTrack Wizard generates a SourceApp code based on the company name, but you can modify this to any other value.

If you connect to multiple companies, from the same or from different database(s), or other applications, to a single installation of Dime.Scheduler, please ensure that the SourceApp code is unique for each back-office application connected to Dime.Scheduler.

Scheduler Environment

Choose the right option:

  • Production
  • Sandbox
  • On-prem

When on-prem is selected, an additional field will be added on screen, prompting you to provide the URL to your on-prem Dime.Scheduler instance.

Scheduler User

Enter the user name with which you will connect. This user must exist in Dime.Scheduler and must be a Forms user. Microsoft Entra ID users are not supported for the integration services.

Scheduler Password

Enter the password for the user specified above.

Connector entry

To set up the bidirectional message flow from Dime.Scheduler to Business Central, a connector entry must be created in the connector setup in Dime.Scheduler. By setting this flag to true, we will create an initial entry with a few fields already prepopulated. Note that the connection won't work until you've reviewed and updated the credentials that we can use to connect back to BC.

Url Client Type

You can choose between:

  • Web
  • Windows
  • Table
  • Phone

Connection test

When clicking the 'Next' button in the wizard, a connection with Dime.Scheduler will be established. A popup message will tell you whether the authentication succeeded or failed. If you receive an error message, check the entered connection settings and contact your network administrator or the person who configured your instance of Dime.Scheduler to obtain the correct settings.

When authentication succeeded, and the connector entry checkbox was ticked, a new entry will be added to the connectors list


For the configuration of the additional modules, click on the buttons below, or continue here.


Dime.Scheduler FastTrack has been developed as a quick-start utility. We encourage you to add new functionality in the extension to simplify the integration with your vertical or custom solution.

As an alternative to the FastTrack wizard, you can use the 'Dime.Scheduler Setup' page just as well. Apart from the odd few exceptions, the functionality is exactly the same; it's just presented differently.


You can find the wizard by looking for Dime.Scheduler Setup in the search bar.

Connector Setup